recent times the topic on accessibility and "digital inclusion" online is
gaining more coverage in the media.
it is great to see the improvements on web accessibility with the
internet and the difference to the lives it has made for those who
benefit from it. We need to do much more towards web accessibility. I
believe that the current market trends towards accessibility is still
short sighted. We need to be bolder and more visionary towards web
accessibility and the future of the internet.
is because “accessibility” means different things different people.
Even if you follow the website accessibility standards and have a double
AA rating you still have excluded a wide range of people. That is
because the accessibility guides are still based on a generalisation and
simply doesn’t cater for all.
To truly solve web accessibility with a focus on "digital inclusion" means that web content needs to be tailored on a user-by-user basis.
About the Author
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Hueyify® and Internet of DOTS Founder | Thought leader for the next era of Web browsing